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Published on 12.07.17 in Vol 19, No 7 (2017): July

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Works citing "Using New and Emerging Technologies to Identify and Respond to Suicidality Among Help-Seeking Young People: A Cross-Sectional Study"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.7897):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Schofield P, Shaw T, Pascoe M. Toward Comprehensive Patient-Centric Care by Integrating Digital Health Technology With Direct Clinical Contact in Australia. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(6):e12382
  2. Muñoz-Sánchez J, Delgado C, Sánchez-Prada A, Parra-Vidales E, de Leo D, Franco-Martín M. Facilitating Factors and Barriers to the Use of Emerging Technologies for Suicide Prevention in Europe: Multicountry Exploratory Study. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(1):e7
  3. Ospina-Pinillos L, Davenport TA, Navarro-Mancilla AA, Cheng VWS, Cardozo Alarcón AC, Rangel AM, Rueda-Jaimes GE, Gomez-Restrepo C, Hickie IB. Involving End Users in Adapting a Spanish Version of a Web-Based Mental Health Clinic for Young People in Colombia: Exploratory Study Using Participatory Design Methodologies. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(2):e15914
  4. Tickell AM, Scott EM, Davenport T, Iorfino F, Ospina- Pinillos L, Harel K, Parker L, Hickie IB, Hermens DF. Neurocognitive clusters: A pilot study of young people with affective disorders in an inpatient facility. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019;242:80
  5. Milton AC, Davenport TA, Iorfino F, Flego A, Burns JM, Hickie IB. Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors and Their Associations With Transitional Life Events in Men and Women: Findings From an International Web-Based Sample. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(9):e18383
  6. Hickie IB, Scott EM, Cross SP, Iorfino F, Davenport TA, Guastella AJ, Naismith SL, Carpenter JS, Rohleder C, Crouse JJ, Hermens DF, Koethe D, Markus Leweke F, Tickell AM, Sawrikar V, Scott J. Right care, first time: a highly personalised and measurement‐based care model to manage youth mental health. Medical Journal of Australia 2019;211(S9)
  7. Halsall T, Garinger C, Dixon K, Forneris T. Evaluation of a Social Media Strategy to Promote Mental Health Literacy and Help-Seeking in Youth. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet 2019;23(1):13
  8. Kerner B, Carlson M, Eskin CK, Tseng C, Ho JG, Zima B, Leader E. Trends in the utilization of a peer‐supported youth hotline. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2021;26(1):65
  9. Davenport TA, LaMonica HM, Whittle L, English A, Iorfino F, Cross S, Hickie IB. Validation of the InnoWell Platform: Protocol for a Clinical Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2019;8(5):e13955
  10. Ospina-Pinillos L, Davenport T, Iorfino F, Tickell A, Cross S, Scott EM, Hickie IB. Using New and Innovative Technologies to Assess Clinical Stage in Early Intervention Youth Mental Health Services: Evaluation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(9):e259
  11. Tickell AM, Scott EM, Davenport T, Iorfino F, Ospina-Pinillos L, White D, Harel K, Parker L, Hickie IB, Hermens DF. Developing neurocognitive standard clinical care: A study of young adult inpatients. Psychiatry Research 2019;276:232
  12. Ospina-Pinillos L, Davenport TA, Ricci CS, Milton AC, Scott EM, Hickie IB. Developing a Mental Health eClinic to Improve Access to and Quality of Mental Health Care for Young People: Using Participatory Design as Research Methodologies. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(5):e188
  13. Beaudequin D, Schwenn P, McLoughlin LT, Parker MJ, Broadhouse K, Simcock G, Boyes A, Kannis-Dymand L, Wood A, Lagopoulos J, Hermens DF. Using measures of intrinsic homeostasis and extrinsic modulation to evaluate mental health in adolescents: Preliminary results from the longitudinal adolescent brain study (LABS). Psychiatry Research 2020;285:112848
  14. Davenport TA, Cheng VWS, Iorfino F, Hamilton B, Castaldi E, Burton A, Scott EM, Hickie IB. Flip the Clinic: A Digital Health Approach to Youth Mental Health Service Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(12):e24578
  15. LaMonica HM, Davenport TA, Ottavio A, Rowe SC, Cross SP, Iorfino F, Jackson TA, Easton MA, Melsness J, Hickie IB. Optimising the integration of technology-enabled solutions to enhance primary mental health care: a service mapping study. BMC Health Services Research 2021;21(1)
  16. Filia K, Rickwood D, Menssink J, Gao CX, Hetrick S, Parker A, Hamilton M, Hickie I, Herrman H, Telford N, Sharmin S, McGorry P, Cotton S. Clinical and functional characteristics of a subsample of young people presenting for primary mental healthcare at headspace services across Australia. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2021;56(7):1311
  17. Szlyk H, Tan J. The Role of Technology and the Continuum of Care for Youth Suicidality: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(10):e18672
  18. Rassy J, Bardon C, Dargis L, Côté L, Corthésy-Blondin L, Mörch C, Labelle R. Information and Communication Technology Use in Suicide Prevention: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(5):e25288
  19. Iorfino F, Occhipinti J, Skinner A, Davenport T, Rowe S, Prodan A, Sturgess J, Hickie IB. The Impact of Technology-Enabled Care Coordination in a Complex Mental Health System: A Local System Dynamics Model. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(6):e25331
  20. LaMonica HM, Iorfino F, Lee GY, Piper S, Occhipinti J, Davenport TA, Cross S, Milton A, Ospina-Pinillos L, Whittle L, Rowe SC, Dowling M, Stewart E, Ottavio A, Hockey S, Cheng VWS, Burns J, Scott EM, Hickie IB. Informing the Future of Integrated Digital and Clinical Mental Health Care: Synthesis of the Outcomes From Project Synergy. JMIR Mental Health 2022;9(3):e33060
  21. Martiniuk A, Toepfer A, Lane-Brown A. A review of risks, adverse effects and mitigation strategies when delivering mental health services using telehealth. Journal of Mental Health 2023;:1
  22. Stewart E, Milton A, Yee HF, Song MJ, Roberts A, Davenport T, Hickie I. eHealth Tools That Assess and Track Health and Well-being in Children and Young People: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(5):e26015
  23. Perich T, Andriessen K. Predictors of digital technology-based mental health programs in young adults for mental health support. Health Promotion International 2023;38(3)
  24. Dimitropoulos G, Bassi EM, Bright KS, Gondziola J, Bradley J, Fersovitch M, Stamp L, LaMonica HM, Iorfino F, Gaskell T, Tomlinson S, Johnson DW. Implementation of an E-Mental Health Platform for Youth and Young Adults in a School Context across Alberta: A Thematic Analysis of the Perspectives of Stakeholders (Preprint). JMIR Mental Health 2023;
  25. Boyes A, Levenstein JM, McLoughlin LT, Driver C, Mills L, Lagopoulos J, Hermens DF. A short-interval longitudinal study of associations between psychological distress and hippocampal grey matter in early adolescence. Brain Imaging and Behavior 2024;
  26. Funnell EL, Spadaro B, Martin-Key NA, Benacek J, Bahn S. Perception of Apps for Mental Health Assessment With Recommendations for Future Design: United Kingdom Semistructured Interview Study. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e48881

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.7897):

  1. Scott EM, Carpenter JS, Iorfino F, Cross SP, Hermens DF, White D, Lee RS, Naismith SL, Guastella AJ, Glozier N, Leweke FM, Koethe D, Lagopoulos J, Scott J, Hamilton BA, Crouse JJ, Tickell AM, Nichles A, Zmicerevska N, Gehue LJ, Kaur M, Chitty KM, Hickie IB. Personalized Psychiatry. 2020. :39
  2. Ospina-Pinillos L, Krausz RM, Hickie IB. Innovations in Global Mental Health. 2021. Chapter 128-1:1
  3. Ospina-Pinillos L, Krausz RM, Hickie IB. Innovations in Global Mental Health. 2021. Chapter 128:583
  4. Szlyk HS, Singh T, Reyes-Portillo JA. Handbook of Youth Suicide Prevention. 2021. Chapter 22:391