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Published on 03.01.18 in Vol 20, No 1 (2018): January

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Works citing "From eHealth to iHealth: Transition to Participatory and Personalized Medicine in Mental Health"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.7412):

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  2. Han J, Kang H, Kwon GH. Impact of intelligent healthscape quality on nurse job outcomes and job satisfaction: A test of the moderating effect of innovativeness. Journal of Nursing Management 2020;28(1):43
  3. Cao J, Truong AL, Banu S, Shah AA, Sabharwal A, Moukaddam N. Tracking and Predicting Depressive Symptoms of Adolescents Using Smartphone-Based Self-Reports, Parental Evaluations, and Passive Phone Sensor Data: Development and Usability Study. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(1):e14045
  4. Lemey C, Larsen ME, Devylder J, Courtet P, Billot R, Lenca P, Walter M, Baca-García E, Berrouiguet S. Clinicians’ Concerns About Mobile Ecological Momentary Assessment Tools Designed for Emerging Psychiatric Problems: Prospective Acceptability Assessment of the MEmind App. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(4):e10111
  5. Wan Z, Zhang H, Chen J, Zhou H, Yang J, Zhong N. WaaS architecture-driven depressive mood status quantitative analysis based on forehead EEG and self-rating tool. Brain Informatics 2018;5(2)
  6. Molina R, Porras-Segovia A, Ruiz M, Baca-García E. eHealth tools for assessing psychomotor activity in schizophrenia: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 2021;43(1):102
  7. Oyebode O, Alqahtani F, Orji R. Using Machine Learning and Thematic Analysis Methods to Evaluate Mental Health Apps Based on User Reviews. IEEE Access 2020;8:111141
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  9. Chiu H, Tu Y. Reply to Berrouiguet et al.: Suicide prevention strategies: A need for ecological sleep monitoring. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2019;47:127
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  11. Briffault X, Morgiève M, Courtet P. From e-Health to i-Health: Prospective Reflexions on the Use of Intelligent Systems in Mental Health Care. Brain Sciences 2018;8(6):98
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  14. Berrouiguet S, Le Moal V, Guillodo , Le Floch A, Lenca P, Billot R, Walter M. Prévention du suicide et santé connectée. médecine/sciences 2018;34(8-9):730
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  17. Porras-Segovia A, Díaz-Oliván I, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Dunne H, Moreno M, Baca-García E. Apps for Depression: Are They Ready to Work?. Current Psychiatry Reports 2020;22(3)
  18. Agteren J, Iasiello M. Advancing our understanding of mental wellbeing and mental health: The call to embrace complexity over simplification. Australian Psychologist 2020;55(4):307
  19. Berrouiguet S, Larsen M, Walter M, Ropars J. Comment on “Associations between sleep duration and suicidality in adolescents: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis”. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2019;47:125
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  25. Guillodo E, Lemey C, Simonnet M, Walter M, Baca-García E, Masetti V, Moga S, Larsen M, Ropars J, Berrouiguet S. Clinical Applications of Mobile Health Wearable–Based Sleep Monitoring: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(4):e10733
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  27. Wu DTY, Xin C, Bindhu S, Xu C, Sachdeva J, Brown JL, Jung H. Clinician Perspectives and Design Implications in Using Patient-Generated Health Data to Improve Mental Health Practices: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Formative Research 2020;4(8):e18123
  28. Han J, Kang H, Kwon G. A Systematic Underpinning and Framing of the Servicescape: Reflections on Future Challenges in Healthcare Services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018;15(3):509
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  31. Zidaru T, Morrow EM, Stockley R. Ensuring patient and public involvement in the transition to AI‐assisted mental health care: A systematic scoping review and agenda for design justice. Health Expectations 2021;24(4):1072
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  43. Li X, Arif M. Research on the Application of Data Mining Technology in College Students’ Mental Health Education in the Network Age. Security and Communication Networks 2022;2022:1
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  50. Guerrero-Jiménez M, Ruiz M, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Jiménez-Muñoz L, Baca-Garcia E, Porras-Segovia A. Use of new technologies for the promotion of physical activity in patients with mental illness: A systematic review. World Journal of Psychiatry 2023;13(4):182
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  56. . Using Principal Component Analysis to Explore the Influence of Civic Education on Students’ Mental Health in Colleges and Universities. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 2024;9(1)
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