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Published on 31.05.17 in Vol 19, No 5 (2017): May

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Works citing "High Level of Integration in Integrated Disease Management Leads to Higher Usage in the e-Vita Study: Self-Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease With Web-Based Platforms in a Parallel Cohort Design"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.7037):

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  1. Voncken-Brewster V, Amoureus M, de Vries H, Nagykaldi Z, Winkens B, van der Weijden T, Tange H. The Impact of Participant Characteristics on Use and Satisfaction of a Web-Based Computer-Tailored Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Self-Management Intervention: A Process Evaluation. JMIR Formative Research 2017;1(1):e1
  2. van Buul AR, Kasteleyn MJ, Arends JM, Shi T, Kelly DP, Chavannes NH, Meijer E. eHealth only interventions and blended interventions to support self-management in adolescents with asthma: A systematic review. Clinical eHealth 2020;3:49
  3. du Pon E, Kleefstra N, Cleveringa F, van Dooren A, Heerdink ER, van Dulmen S. Effects of the Proactive Interdisciplinary Self-Management (PRISMA) Program on Online Care Platform Usage in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Diabetes Research 2020;2020:1
  4. Houwink EJF, Kasteleyn MJ, Alpay L, Pearce C, Butler-Henderson K, Meijer E, van Kampen S, Versluis A, Bonten TN, van Dalfsen JH, van Peet PG, Koster Y, Hierck BP, Jeeninga I, van Luenen S, van der Kleij RMJJ, Chavannes NH, Kramer AWM. SERIES: eHealth in primary care. Part 3: eHealth education in primary care. European Journal of General Practice 2020;26(1):108
  5. Alwashmi MF, Fitzpatrick B, Davis E, Farrell J, Gamble J, Hawboldt J. Features of a mobile health intervention to manage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a qualitative study. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 2020;14:175346662095104
  6. Talboom-Kamp EP, Verdijk NA, Kasteleyn MJ, Harmans LM, Talboom IJ, Looijmans-van den Akker I, van Geloven N, Numans ME, Chavannes NH. The Effect of Integration of Self-Management Web Platforms on Health Status in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Management in Primary Care (e-Vita Study): Interrupted Time Series Design. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(8):e291
  7. Tistad M, Lundell S, Wiklund M, Nyberg A, Holmner , Wadell K. Usefulness and Relevance of an eHealth Tool in Supporting the Self-Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Explorative Qualitative Study of a Cocreative Process. JMIR Human Factors 2018;5(4):e10801
  8. Lee C, Ho K. Knowledge to action framework for home health monitoring. Healthcare Management Forum 2019;32(4):183
  9. Talboom-Kamp EP, Verdijk NA, Kasteleyn MJ, Numans ME, Chavannes NH. From chronic disease management to person-centered eHealth; a review on the necessity for blended care. Clinical eHealth 2018;1(1):3
  10. Voorhaar M, Tiemensma J, Asijee G, Slok A, Muris J, Kaptein A.

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  12. Tossaint-Schoenmakers R, Versluis A, Chavannes N, Talboom-Kamp E, Kasteleyn M. The Challenge of Integrating eHealth Into Health Care: Systematic Literature Review of the Donabedian Model of Structure, Process, and Outcome. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(5):e27180
  13. van Zelst CM, Kasteleyn MJ, van Noort EMJ, Rutten - van Molken MPMH, Braunstahl G, Chavannes NH, in ’t Veen JCCM. The impact of the involvement of a healthcare professional on the usage of an eHealth platform: a retrospective observational COPD study. Respiratory Research 2021;22(1)
  14. Wiegel J, Seppen B, van der Leeden M, van der Esch M, de Vries R, Bos W. Adherence to Telemonitoring by Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Patients with Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(19):10161
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  19. . Research Progress of Telecare in Self-Management of COPD Patients. Nursing Science 2024;13(04):333
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According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.7037):

  1. . De dokter en digitalisering. 2019. Chapter 12:91
  2. . Plattformökonomie im Gesundheitswesen. 2023. Chapter 4:55