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Published on 27.05.07 in Vol 9, No 2 (2007)

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Works citing "Design and Evaluation in eHealth: Challenges and Implications for an Interdisciplinary Field"

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  2. Hsiao C, Shiau C, Liu Y, Chao MM, Lien C, Chen C, Yen S, Tang S. Use of a Rich Internet Application Solution to Present Medical Images. Journal of Digital Imaging 2011;24(6):967
  3. Marceglia S, Bonacina S, Zaccaria V, Pagliari C, Pinciroli F. How might the iPad change healthcare?. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2012;105(6):233
  4. . Link Technologies and BlackBerry Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: A Review. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 2012;16(4):586
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  6. van Limburg M, Wentzel J, Sanderman R, van Gemert-Pijnen L. Business Modeling to Implement an eHealth Portal for Infection Control: A Reflection on Co-Creation With Stakeholders. JMIR Research Protocols 2015;4(3):e104
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  9. Portelli P, Eldred C. A grounded theory of attitudes towards online psychological pain management interventions in chronic pain patients. Computers in Human Behavior 2017;76:329
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