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Published on 04.06.15 in Vol 17, No 6 (2015): June

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Works citing "The Invisible Work of Personal Health Information Management Among People With Multiple Chronic Conditions: Qualitative Interview Study Among Patients and Providers"

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  2. . Beyond self-tracking: Exploring and unpacking four emerging labels of patient data work. Health Informatics Journal 2019;25(3):598
  3. Benham-Hutchins M, Staggers N, Mackert M, Johnson AH, deBronkart D. “I want to know everything”: a qualitative study of perspectives from patients with chronic diseases on sharing health information during hospitalization. BMC Health Services Research 2017;17(1)
  4. . Can a virus undermine human rights?. The Lancet Public Health 2020;5(5):e238
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  53. Eastway J, Lizarondo L. Experiences of adult patients with chronic non-communicable disease using electronic personal health records for self-management: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 2019;17(11):2334
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  64. Randine P, Sharma A, Hartvigsen G, Johansen HD, Årsand E. Information and communication technology-based interventions for chronic diseases consultation: Scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2022;163:104784
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