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Published on 08.04.15 in Vol 17, No 4 (2015): April

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Works citing "3D Immersive Patient Simulators and Their Impact on Learning Success: A Thematic Review"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.3492):

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  1. Chon S, Timmermann F, Dratsch T, Schuelper N, Plum P, Berlth F, Datta RR, Schramm C, Haneder S, Späth MR, Dübbers M, Kleinert J, Raupach T, Bruns C, Kleinert R. Serious Games in Surgical Medical Education: A Virtual Emergency Department as a Tool for Teaching Clinical Reasoning to Medical Students. JMIR Serious Games 2019;7(1):e13028
  2. Kleinert R, Heiermann N, Wahba R, Chang D, Hölscher AH, Stippel DL. Design, Realization, and First Validation of an Immersive Web-Based Virtual Patient Simulator for Training Clinical Decisions in Surgery. Journal of Surgical Education 2015;72(6):1131
  3. Macauley K, Brudvig TJ, Kadakia M, Bonneville M. Systematic Review of Assessments That Evaluate Clinical Decision Making, Clinical Reasoning, and Critical Thinking Changes After Simulation Participation. Journal of Physical Therapy Education 2017;31(4):64
  4. Kleinert R, Plum P, Heiermann N, Wahba R, Chang D, Hölscher AH, Stippel DL. Embedding a Virtual Patient Simulator in an Interactive Surgical lecture. Journal of Surgical Education 2016;73(3):433
  5. Kleinert R, Heiermann N, Plum PS, Wahba R, Chang D, Maus M, Chon S, Hoelscher AH, Stippel DL. Web-Based Immersive Virtual Patient Simulators: Positive Effect on Clinical Reasoning in Medical Education. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(11):e263
  6. Middeke A, Anders S, Schuelper M, Raupach T, Schuelper N, Ito E. Training of clinical reasoning with a Serious Game versus small-group problem-based learning: A prospective study. PLOS ONE 2018;13(9):e0203851
  7. Walldorf J, Jähnert T, Berman NB, Fischer MR. Using Foreign Virtual Patients With Medical Students in Germany: Are Cultural Differences Evident and Do They Impede Learning?. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(9):e260
  8. Chon S, Hilgers S, Timmermann F, Dratsch T, Plum PS, Berlth F, Datta R, Alakus H, Schlößer HA, Schramm C, Pinto dos Santos D, Bruns C, Kleinert R. Web-Based Immersive Patient Simulator as a Curricular Tool for Objective Structured Clinical Examination Preparation in Surgery: Development and Evaluation. JMIR Serious Games 2018;6(3):e10693
  9. Ebner F, De Gregorio A, Schochter F, Bekes I, Janni W, Lato K. Effect of an Augmented Reality Ultrasound Trainer App on the Motor Skills Needed for a Kidney Ultrasound: Prospective Trial. JMIR Serious Games 2019;7(2):e12713
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  17. . Immersive virtual reality as an action: measuring approach and learning status of learners after planning myVOR. Educational Media International 2020;57(4):353
  18. Wier GS, Tree R, Nusr R. Training Effectiveness of a Wide Area Virtual Environment in Medical Simulation. Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare 2017;12(1):28
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  21. . Public Health Platforms: An Emerging Informatics Approach to Health Professional Learning and Development. Journal of Public Health Research 2016;5(1):jphr.2016.665
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  2. . Forensic Science Education and Training. 2017. :39
  3. Stephanus BB, Cecile F. Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2022, Volume 3. 2023. Chapter 51:724
  4. Sikka N, Aalam AA, Tarassoli SP, Drury DJ, Carayannis EG, Meltzer AC. A Practical Guide to Emergency Telehealth. 2021. :275