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Published on 29.11.13 in Vol 15, No 11 (2013): November

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Works citing "Comparison of US Panel Vendors for Online Surveys"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.2903):

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  1. Vasilopoulos P, Marcus GE, Valentino NA, Foucault M. Fear, Anger, and Voting for the Far Right: Evidence from the November 13, 2015 Paris Terror Attacks. SSRN Electronic Journal 2018;
  2. Gage H, Egan B, Williams P, Brands B, Györei E, López-Robles J, Campoy C, Decsi T, Koletzko B, Raats M. Importance of mental performance in parental choice of food for children aged 4–10 years: a study in four European countries. Public Health Nutrition 2017;20(6):992
  3. Møller M, Haustein S. Anger expression among Danish cyclists and drivers: A comparison based on mode specific anger expression inventories. Accident Analysis & Prevention 2017;108:354
  4. Inns T, Curtis D, Crook P, Vivancos R, Gardiner D, McCarthy N, Mook P. Are food exposures obtained through commercial market panels representative of the general population? Implications for outbreak investigations. Epidemiology and Infection 2019;147
  5. . Missing the Target? Using Surveys to Validate Social Media Ad Targeting. Political Science Research and Methods 2021;9(1):215
  6. Palaniappan K, Kum IYS. Underlying Causes behind Research Study Participants’ Careless and Biased Responses in the Field of Sciences. Current Psychology 2019;38(6):1737
  7. Hays RD, Liu H, Kapteyn A. Use of Internet panels to conduct surveys. Behavior Research Methods 2015;47(3):685
  8. Forrest CB, Meltzer LJ, Marcus CL, de la Motte A, Kratchman A, Buysse DJ, Pilkonis PA, Becker BD, Bevans KB. Development and validation of the PROMIS Pediatric Sleep Disturbance and Sleep-Related Impairment item banks. Sleep 2018;41(6)
  9. Black JC, Rockhill K, Forber A, Amioka E, May KP, Haynes CM, Dasgupta N, Dart RC. An Online Survey for Pharmacoepidemiological Investigation (Survey of Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs Program): Validation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(10):e15830
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  37. . Discussion of “How Errors Cumulate: Two Examples” by Roger Tourangeau. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 2020;8(3):433
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  49. . Community-Centered Climate Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association 2022;88(1):97
  50. Montague I, Stout K, Shmulsky R. Love It or Leave It: What Do Millennials Really Think of Wood Products?. Forest Products Journal 2021;71(2):150
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  56. Oh H, Besecker M, Huh J, Zhou S, Luczak SE, Pedersen ER. Substance Use Descriptive Norms and Behaviors among US College Students: Findings from the Healthy Minds Study. Epidemiologia 2022;3(1):42
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  59. Narita Z, Banawa R, Zhou S, DeVylder J, Koyanagi A, Oh H. Loneliness and psychotic experiences among US university students: Findings from the Healthy Minds Study 2020. Psychiatry Research 2022;308:114362
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  62. Oh H, Susser E, Volpe VV, Lui F, Besecker M, Zhou S, Anglin DM. Psychotic experiences among Black college students in the United States: The role of socioeconomic factors and discrimination. Schizophrenia Research 2022;248:198
  63. Tran DD, Oh H, Zhou S, Pedersen ER. Depression and perceptions of social norms and harms for electronic and combustible cigarette use: Associations with tobacco use in college students. Psychiatry Research Communications 2022;2(3):100053
  64. Cohen KA, Manikandan D, Jirsa M, Gatto A, Zhou S. Mental healthcare on college campuses during COVID-19: Comparing telehealth, in-person, and hybrid modes of delivery. Journal of American College Health 2023;:1
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  68. Guerin RJ, Barile JP, Groenewold MR, Free HL, Okun AH. COVID-19 Workplace Mitigation Strategies and Employee Leave Policies Implemented during the Height of the Pandemic, United States, Fall 2020 and 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(4):2894
  69. Peel D, Berry HL, Botterill LC, Cockfield G. Exploring domains of contemporary Australian agrarianism. Journal of Sociology 2023;59(2):385
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  72. . Flourishing among young adult college students in the United States: sexual/gender and racial/ethnic disparities. Social Work in Mental Health 2023;21(4):347
  73. Davis M, Gilbar O, Padilla-Medina DM. Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration Among U.S. Adults During the Earliest Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Violence and Victims 2021;36(5):583
  74. Oh HY, Jacob L, Smith L, Leaune E, Zhou S, Shin JI, Koyanagi A. Sexual Minority Status and Psychotic Experiences Among Young Adult College Students in the United States. Journal of Homosexuality 2022;:1
  75. Jay SY, DeVylder J, Schiffman J, Pitts SC, Marsh J, Zhou S, Oh H. Exploring the relation between psychosis‐like experiences and suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts among college students in the United States. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2023;17(3):272
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  78. Oh H, Du J, Smith L, Koyanagi A. Mental health differences between multiracial and monoracial college students in the United States: Emerging racial disparities. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2023;69(3):744
  79. Guerin RJ, Barile JP, Thompson WW, McKnight-Eily L, Okun AH. Investigating the Impact of Job Loss and Decreased Work Hours on Physical and Mental Health Outcomes Among US Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2021;63(9):e571
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  81. Oh H, Rajkumar R, Banawa R, Zhou S, Koyanagi A. Illicit and prescription drug use and psychotic experiences among university students in the United States. Journal of Substance Use 2023;28(5):797
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  93. Oh H, Jacob L, Soffer-Dudek N, Shin JI, Smith L, Besecker M, Leaune E, Pickering TA, Ptaszynski M. The synergy of depression and flourishing/languishing on suicidal thoughts and behaviors: Findings from a national sample of emerging adult students in higher education in the United States. PLOS ONE 2024;19(8):e0309020

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