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Published on 04.06.13 in Vol 15, No 6 (2013): June

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Works citing "Silence is Golden: Effect of Encouragement in Motivating the Weak Link in an Online Exercise Video Game"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.2551):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. . The Köhler Effect: A Motivational Strategy for Strength and Conditioning. Strength & Conditioning Journal 2019;41(5):90
  2. Moss T, Feltz DL, Kerr NL, Smith AL, Winn B, Spencer BD. Intergroup Competition in Exergames: Further Tests of the Köhler Effect. Games for Health Journal 2018;7(4):240
  3. Feltz DL, Ploutz-Snyder L, Winn B, Kerr NL, Pivarnik JM, Ede A, Hill C, Samendinger S, Jeffery W. Simulated Partners and Collaborative Exercise (SPACE) to boost motivation for astronauts: study protocol. BMC Psychology 2016;4(1)
  4. Elaheebocus SMRA, Weal M, Morrison L, Yardley L. Peer-Based Social Media Features in Behavior Change Interventions: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(2):e20
  5. Lee S, Kim W, Park T, Peng W. The Psychological Effects of Playing Exergames: A Systematic Review. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2017;20(9):513
  6. Marker AM, Staiano AE. Better Together: Outcomes of Cooperation Versus Competition in Social Exergaming. Games for Health Journal 2015;4(1):25
  7. Wattanapisit A, Amaek W, Sukkriang N, Wattanapisit S, Wongsiri S. Perspectives on Using Online Platforms for Promoting Running and Walking Activities. Frontiers in Public Health 2020;8
  8. Winter SJ, Sheats JL, King AC. The Use of Behavior Change Techniques and Theory in Technologies for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment in Adults: A Comprehensive Review. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 2016;58(6):605
  9. Koneska E, Appelbe D, Williamson PR, Dodd S. Usage Metrics of Web-Based Interventions Evaluated in Randomized Controlled Trials: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(4):e15474
  10. Hüffmeier J, Wessolowski K, van Randenborgh A, Bothin J, Schmid‐Loertzer N, Hertel G. Social support from fellow group members triggers additional effort in groups. European Journal of Social Psychology 2014;44(4):287
  11. Park KH, Song MR. Development of a Web Exercise Video for Patients With Shoulder Problems. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2017;35(5):255
  12. Feltz DL, Forlenza ST, Winn B, Kerr NL. Cyber Buddy Is Better than No Buddy: A Test of the Köhler Motivation Effect in Exergames. Games for Health Journal 2014;3(2):98
  13. Max EJ, Samendinger S, Winn B, Kerr NL, Pfeiffer KA, Feltz DL. Enhancing Aerobic Exercise with a Novel Virtual Exercise Buddy Based on the Köhler Effect. Games for Health Journal 2016;5(4):252
  14. Max EJ, Feltz DL, Kerr NL, Wittenbaum GM. Is silence really golden? Effect of encouragement from a partner or trainer on active video game play. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 2018;16(3):261
  15. Hill CR, Samendinger S, Rymal AM. P-Curve Analysis of the Köhler Motivation Gain Effect in Exercise Settings: A Demonstration of a Novel Technique to Estimate Evidential Value Across Multiple Studies. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2021;55(6):543
  16. Swartz MC, Lewis ZH, Deer RR, Stahl AL, Swartz MD, Christopherson U, Basen-Engquist K, Wells SJ, Silva HC, Lyons EJ. Feasibility and Acceptability of an Active Video Game–Based Physical Activity Support Group (Pink Warrior) for Survivors of Breast Cancer: Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. JMIR Cancer 2022;8(3):e36889
  17. Wang Y, Zhang M, Wu J, Zhang H, Yang H, Guo S, Lin Z, Lu C. Effects of the Interactive Features of Virtual Partner on Individual Exercise Level and Exercise Perception. Behavioral Sciences 2023;13(5):434
  18. Sahli F, Bouzouraa MM, Rebhi M, Romdhani A, Sahli H, Salem A, Trabelsi K, Ammar A, Zghibi M. Enhancing Skills, Mood, and Performance in Overweight Handball Players: Exploring Individual vs. Collective Verbal Encouragement Strategies. Children 2024;11(4):432
  19. Asselineau A, Grolleau G, Mzoughi N. Quiet environments and the intentional practice of silence: Toward a new perspective in the analysis of silence in organizations. Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2024;:1

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.2551):

  1. Ede A, Forlenza ST, Feltz DL. Handbook of Research on Holistic Perspectives in Gamification for Clinical Practice. 2016. chapter 11:222
  2. Feltz DL, Hill C. Handbook of Sport Psychology. 2020. :372
  3. Samendinger S, Max EJ, Feltz DL, Kerr NL. Individual Motivation within Groups. 2020. :149