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Published on 25.02.13 in Vol 15, No 2 (2013): February

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Works citing "Effects of Internet Popular Opinion Leaders (iPOL) Among Internet-Using Men Who Have Sex With Men"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.2264):

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  1. Xin M, Viswanath K, Li AY, CAO W, HU Y, Lau JT, Mo PK. The Effectiveness of Electronic Health Interventions for Promoting HIV-Preventive Behaviors Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: Meta-Analysis Based on an Integrative Framework of Design and Implementation Features. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(5):e15977
  2. Hui CY, Walton R, McKinstry B, Jackson T, Parker R, Pinnock H. The use of mobile applications to support self-management for people with asthma: a systematic review of controlled studies to identify features associated with clinical effectiveness and adherence. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2016;:ocw143
  3. Taggart T, Grewe ME, Conserve DF, Gliwa C, Roman Isler M. Social Media and HIV: A Systematic Review of Uses of Social Media in HIV Communication. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(11):e248
  4. Li H, Xue L, Tucker JD, Wei C, Durvasula M, Hu W, Kang D, Liao M, Tang W, Ma W. Condom use peer norms and self-efficacy as mediators between community engagement and condom use among Chinese men who have sex with men. BMC Public Health 2017;17(1)
  5. Simeon R, Dewidar O, Trawin J, Duench S, Manson H, Pardo Pardo J, Petkovic J, Hatcher Roberts J, Tugwell P, Yoganathan M, Presseau J, Welch V. Behavior Change Techniques Included in Reports of Social Media Interventions for Promoting Health Behaviors in Adults: Content Analysis Within a Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(6):e16002
  6. Lim MSC, Wright CJC, Carrotte ER, Pedrana AE. Reach, engagement, and effectiveness: a systematic review of evaluation methodologies used in health promotion via social networking sites. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 2016;27(3):187
  7. . Social Media and HIV/AIDS: Implications for Social Work Education. Social Work Education 2016;35(3):333
  8. Wang X, Shi J, Chen L, Peng T. An Examination of Users’ Influence in Online HIV/AIDS Communities. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2016;19(5):314
  9. White JJ, Yang C, Tobin KE, Beyrer C, Latkin CA. Individual and Social Network Factors Associated with High Self-efficacy of Communicating about Men’s Health Issues with Peers among Black MSM in an Urban Setting. Journal of Urban Health 2020;97(5):668
  10. He J, Wang Y, Du Z, Liao J, He N, Hao Y. Peer education for HIV prevention among high-risk groups: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Infectious Diseases 2020;20(1)
  11. . Applying the Popular Opinion Leader Intervention for HIV to COVID-19. AIDS and Behavior 2020;24(12):3291
  12. Choi SK, LeGrand S, Dong W, Muessig KE, Hightow-Weidman L. Condom use intentions mediate the relationships between psychosocial constructs and HIV sexual risk behavior in young Black men who have sex with men. AIDS Care 2019;31(1):53
  13. . Social Networking and Online Recruiting for HIV Research: Ethical Challenges. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 2014;9(1):58
  14. Campbell CK, Lippman SA, Moss N, Lightfoot M. Strategies to Increase HIV Testing Among MSM: A Synthesis of the Literature. AIDS and Behavior 2018;22(8):2387
  15. Jones J, Carter B, Wilkerson R, Kramer C. Attitudes toward HIV testing, awareness of HIV campaigns, and using social networking sites to deliver HIV testing messages in the age of social media: a qualitative study of young black men. Health Education Research 2019;34(1):15
  16. Zhang TP, Liu C, Han L, Tang W, Mao J, Wong T, Zhang Y, Tang S, Yang B, Wei C, Tucker JD. Community engagement in sexual health and uptake of HIV testing and syphilis testing among MSM in China: a cross‐sectional online survey. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017;20(1)
  17. Zhang H, Lu H, Pan SW, Xia D, Zhao Y, Xiao Y, He X, Yue H, Sun Z, Xu Y, Ruan Y, Shao Y. Correlates of Unprotected Anal Intercourse: The Influence of Anal Sex Position Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Beijing, China. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2015;44(2):375
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  23. Shangani S, Escudero D, Kirwa K, Harrison A, Marshall B, Operario D. Effectiveness of peer-led interventions to increase HIV testing among men who have sex with men: a systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS Care 2017;29(8):1003
  24. Crawford G, Maycock B, Tobin R, Brown G, Lobo R. Prevention of HIV and Other Sexually Transmissible Infections in Expatriates and Traveler Networks: Qualitative Study of Peer Interaction in an Online Forum. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(9):e10787
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  30. Passaro RC, Haley CA, Sanchez H, Vermund SH, Kipp AM. High HIV prevalence and the internet as a source of HIV-related service information at a community-based organization in Peru: a cross-sectional study of men who have sex with men. BMC Public Health 2016;16(1)
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  32. Veronese V, Ryan KE, Hughes C, Lim MS, Pedrana A, Stoové M. Using Digital Communication Technology to Increase HIV Testing Among Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e14230
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  34. Arguel A, Perez‐Concha O, Li SY, Lau AY. Theoretical approaches of online social network interventions and implications for behavioral change: a systematic review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2018;24(1):212
  35. Wu D, Tang W, Lu H, Zhang TP, Cao B, Ong JJ, Lee A, Liu C, Huang W, Fu R, Li K, Pan SW, Zhang Y, Fu H, Wei C, Tucker JD. Leading by Example: Web-Based Sexual Health Influencers Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Have Higher HIV and Syphilis Testing Rates in China. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(1):e10171
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  37. Gabarron E, Wynn R. Use of social media for sexual health promotion: a scoping review. Global Health Action 2016;9(1):32193
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  40. Biello KB, Marrow E, Mimiaga MJ, Sullivan P, Hightow-Weidman L, Mayer KH. A Mobile-Based App (MyChoices) to Increase Uptake of HIV Testing and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis by Young Men Who Have Sex With Men: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2019;8(1):e10694
  41. Guadamuz TE, Cheung DH, Wei C, Koe S, Lim SH, Newman PA. Young, Online and in the Dark: Scaling Up HIV Testing among MSM in ASEAN. PLOS ONE 2015;10(5):e0126658
  42. Nugroho A, Erasmus V, Zomer TP, Wu Q, Richardus JH. Behavioral interventions to reduce HIV risk behavior for MSM and transwomen in Southeast Asia: a systematic review. AIDS Care 2017;29(1):98
  43. Holloway IW, Bednarczyk R, Fenimore VL, Goldbeck C, Wu E, Himmelstein R, Tan D, Randall L, Lutz CS, Frew PM. Factors Associated with Immunization Opinion Leadership among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Los Angeles, California. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018;15(5):939
  44. Chiou P, Ko N, Chien C. Mobile HIV Testing Through Social Networking Platforms: Comparative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(3):e25031
  45. Yang N, Wu D, Zhou Y, Huang S, He X, Tucker J, Li X, Smith KM, Jiang X, Wang Y, Huang W, Fu H, Bao H, Jiang H, Dai W, Tang W. Sexual Health Influencer Distribution of HIV/Syphilis Self-Tests Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in China: Secondary Analysis to Inform Community-Based Interventions. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(6):e24303
  46. Zheng C, Wang W, Young SD. Identifying HIV-related digital social influencers using an iterative deep learning approach. AIDS 2021;35(Supplement 1):S85
  47. Nadarzynski T, Frost M, Miller D, Wheldon CW, Wiernik BM, Zou H, Richardson D, Marlow LA, Smith H, Jones CJ, Llewellyn C. Vaccine acceptability, uptake and completion amongst men who have sex with men: A systematic review, meta-analysis and theoretical framework. Vaccine 2021;39(27):3565
  48. Petkovic J, Duench S, Trawin J, Dewidar O, Pardo Pardo J, Simeon R, DesMeules M, Gagnon D, Hatcher Roberts J, Hossain A, Pottie K, Rader T, Tugwell P, Yoganathan M, Presseau J, Welch V. Behavioural interventions delivered through interactive social media for health behaviour change, health outcomes, and health equity in the adult population. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021;2021(6)
  49. . Social Media, Grindr, and PrEP: Sexual Health Literacy for Men Who Have Sex with Men in the Internet Age. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet 2021;25(2):156
  50. Tan RKJ, Koh WL, Le D, Banerjee S, Chio MT, Chan RKW, Wong CM, Tai BC, Wong ML, Cook AR, Chen MI, Wong CS. Effect of a Popular Web Drama Video Series on HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in Singapore: Community-Based, Pragmatic, Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(5):e31401
  51. Biello KB, Daddario SR, Hill-Rorie J, Futterman D, Sullivan PS, Hightow-Weidman L, Jones J, Mimiaga MJ, Mayer KH. Uptake and Acceptability of MyChoices: Results of a Pilot RCT of a Mobile App Designed to Increase HIV Testing and PrEP Uptake Among Young American MSM. AIDS and Behavior 2022;26(12):3981
  52. Freestone J, Siefried KJ, Prestage G, Hammoud M, Molyneux A, Bourne A, Santella AJ. Individual level peer interventions for gay and bisexual men who have sex with men between 2000 and 2020: A scoping review. PLOS ONE 2022;17(7):e0270649
  53. Zhao J, Harvey G, Vandyk A, Gifford W. Social Media for ImpLementing Evidence (SMILE): Conceptual Framework. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(3):e29891
  54. Burgess R, Feliciano JT, Lizbinski L, Ransome Y. Trends and Characteristics of #HIVPrevention Tweets Posted Between 2014 and 2019: Retrospective Infodemiology Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2022;8(8):e35937
  55. Wu C, Choi EPH, Chau PH. The Holistic Health Status of Chinese Homosexual and Bisexual Adults: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Public Health 2021;9
  56. Tsuyuki K, Stockman JK, Stadnick NA, Moore V, Zhu H, Torres V, Cano R, Penninga K, Aldous JL. Proyecto Compadre: Using Implementation Science to Tailor Peer Navigation for Latino Men in the US–Mexico Border Region. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2022;90(S1):S98
  57. Abubakari GM, Owusu-Dampare F, Ogunbajo A, Gyasi J, Adu M, Appiah P, Torpey K, Nyblade L, Nelson LE. HIV Education, Empathy, and Empowerment (HIVE3): A Peer Support Intervention for Reducing Intersectional Stigma as a Barrier to HIV Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(24):13103
  58. Kuhns LM, Johnson AK, Adetunji A, Kuti KM, Garofalo R, Omigbodun O, Awolude OA, Oladeji BD, Berzins B, Okonkwor O, Amoo OP, Olomola O, Taiwo B, Myers B. Adaptation of evidence-based approaches to promote HIV testing and treatment engagement among high-risk Nigerian youth. PLOS ONE 2021;16(10):e0258190
  59. Arneson LC, Taber KA, Williams JN, Ulysse SN, Erickson DL, Chmiel JS, Milaeger H, Freeman E, Canessa P, Song J, Chung AH, Feldman CH, Ramsey‐Goldman R. Use of Popular Opinion Leader Models to Disseminate Information About Clinical Trials to Black Individuals With Lupus in Two US Cities. Arthritis Care & Research 2023;75(1):44
  60. Chiou P, Hung C, Chen C. Sexual Partner Referral for HIV Testing Through Social Networking Platforms: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2022;8(4):e32156
  61. Mboussi DAS, Lin Y, Fornah L, Ma W. Impact of Social Media Use on HIV Testing and Related Mediator among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Shandong Province, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(7):5383
  62. Dugan M, Stein GS, Khan S, Clifford-Bova SC, Pilcher F, Carney JK. Raising the HPV Vaccination Rate in Rural Northern New England Using Local Opinion Leaders. Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression 2023;33(8):11
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  64. Ni Y, Lu Y, Jing F, Wang Q, Xie Y, He X, Wu D, Tan RKJ, Tucker JD, Yan X, Ong JJ, Zhang Q, Jiang H, Dai W, Huang L, Mei W, Zhou Y, Tang W. A Machine Learning Model for Identifying Sexual Health Influencers to Promote the Secondary Distribution of HIV Self-Testing Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in China: Quasi-Experimental Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2024;10:e50656
  65. Cheung DH, Chen S, Fang Y, Sun F, Zhang Q, Yu F, Mo PK, Wang Z. Influences of mpox disease perceptions, sources and contents of information exposure on mpox vaccine uptake among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Hong Kong, China. Vaccine 2024;42(9):2337
  66. Yin Z, Du Y, Cheng W, Tang W. Digital Strategies Supporting Social Network Approaches to HIV Testing: A Scoping Review. Current HIV/AIDS Reports 2024;21(3):168

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  3. Tan RKJ, Neo PHM, Lim JM, Ong SE. Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. 2023. Chapter 54-1:1
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