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Published on 22.10.09 in Vol 11, No 4 (2009): Oct-Dec

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Works citing "Health e-Cards as a Means of Encouraging Help Seeking for Depression Among Young Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.1294):

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  2. Tay JL, Tay YF, Klainin‐Yobas P. Effectiveness of information and communication technologies interventions to increase mental health literacy: A systematic review. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2018;12(6):1024
  3. Lueck J, Yzer M. Explaining Intentions to Seek Help for Depressive Symptoms in the Context of Responsibility Message Framing. Health Communication 2018;33(8):946
  4. Han J, Batterham PJ, Calear AL, Wu Y, Xue J, van Spijker BA. Development and pilot evaluation of an online psychoeducational program for suicide prevention among university students: A randomised controlled trial. Internet Interventions 2018;12:111
  5. Anttila K, Anttila M, Välimäki M. A web-based adolescent depression support system: feedback and implications for the future. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2020;45(2):111
  6. Välimäki M, Anttila K, Anttila M, Lahti M. Web-Based Interventions Supporting Adolescents and Young People With Depressive Symptoms: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2017;5(12):e180
  7. Kauer SD, Mangan C, Sanci L. Do Online Mental Health Services Improve Help-Seeking for Young People? A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(3):e66
  8. Taylor-Rubin C, Croot K, Nickels L. Adherence to lexical retrieval treatment in Primary Progressive Aphasia and implications for candidacy. Aphasiology 2019;33(10):1182
  9. Lienemann BA, Siegel JT. Increasing Help-Seeking Outcomes among People with Elevated Depressive Symptomatology with Public Service Announcements: An Examination of Functional Matching and Message Sidedness. Journal of Health Communication 2018;23(1):28
  10. Xu Z, Huang F, Kösters M, Staiger T, Becker T, Thornicroft G, Rüsch N. Effectiveness of interventions to promote help-seeking for mental health problems: systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine 2018;48(16):2658
  11. Siegel JT, Lienemann BA, Rosenberg BD. Resistance, reactance, and misinterpretation: Highlighting the challenge of persuading people with depression to seek help. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 2017;11(6)
  12. Taylor-Rodgers E, Batterham PJ. Evaluation of an online psychoeducation intervention to promote mental health help seeking attitudes and intentions among young adults: Randomised controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders 2014;168:65
  13. Riper H, Andersson G, Christensen H, Cuijpers P, Lange A, Eysenbach G. Theme Issue on E-Mental Health: A Growing Field in Internet Research. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2010;12(5):e74
  14. Clarke G, Yarborough BJ. Evaluating the promise of health IT to enhance/expand the reach of mental health services. General Hospital Psychiatry 2013;35(4):339
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  16. Wei Y, McGrath PJ, Hayden J, Kutcher S. Mental health literacy measures evaluating knowledge, attitudes and help-seeking: a scoping review. BMC Psychiatry 2015;15(1)
  17. Griffiths KM, Bennett K, Walker J, Goldsmid S, Bennett A. Effectiveness of MH-Guru, a brief online mental health program for the workplace: A randomised controlled trial. Internet Interventions 2016;6:29
  18. Wei Y, McGrath PJ, Hayden J, Kutcher S. Measurement properties of mental health literacy tools measuring help-seeking: a systematic review*. Journal of Mental Health 2017;26(6):543
  19. Scherr S, Goering M. Is a Self-Monitoring App for Depression a Good Place for Additional Mental Health Information? Ecological Momentary Assessment of Mental Help Information Seeking among Smartphone Users. Health Communication 2020;35(8):1004
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  22. Gulliver A, Griffiths KM, Mackinnon A, Batterham PJ, Stanimirovic R. The mental health of Australian elite athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2015;18(3):255
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  27. Wiljer D, Abi-Jaoude A, Johnson A, Ferguson G, Sanches M, Levinson A, Robb J, Heffernan O, Herzog T, Chaim G, Cleverley K, Eysenbach G, Henderson J, S Hoch J, Hollenberg E, Jiang H, Isaranuwatchai W, Law M, Sharpe S, Tripp T, Voineskos A. Enhancing Self-Efficacy for Help-Seeking Among Transition-Aged Youth in Postsecondary Settings With Mental Health and/or Substance Use Concerns, Using Crowd-Sourced Online and Mobile Technologies: The Thought Spot Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols 2016;5(4):e201
  28. Martin SJ, Saulnier KG, Horvath SA, Anderson T. Increasing help-seeking for eating pathology among collegiate athletes: An examination of a novel, customized intervention. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2020;50:101731
  29. Gulliver A, Griffiths KM, Christensen H, Brewer JL. A systematic review of help-seeking interventions for depression, anxiety and general psychological distress. BMC Psychiatry 2012;12(1)
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  47. Chen Q, Zhao Z, Bao J, Lin J, Li W, Zang Y. Digital empowerment in mental health: A meta-analysis of internet-based interventions for enhancing mental health literacy. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 2024;24(3):100489
  48. Liu Z, Yuan F, Zhao J, Du J. Enhancing adolescents’ mental health literacy: a validation of three different online interventions. Current Psychology 2024;

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.1294):

  1. Merry SN, Hetrick SE, Cox GR, Brudevold-Iversen T, Bir JJ, McDowell H, Merry SN. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2011.