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Published on 07.05.10 in Vol 12, No 2 (2010): Apr-Jun

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Works citing "Perspectives of Family Physicians on Computer-assisted Health-risk Assessments"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.1260):

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  1. Zhang E, Tipirneni R, Beathard ER, Lee S, Kirch MA, Salman C, Solway E, Clark SJ, Haggins AN, Kieffer EC, Ayanian JZ, Goold SD. Health Risk Assessments in Michigan's Medicaid Expansion: Early Experiences in Primary Care. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2020;58(3):e79
  2. Vamos CA, Griner SB, Kirchharr C, Green SM, DeBate R, Daley EM, Quinonez RB, Boggess KA, Jacobs T, Christiansen S. The development of a theory-based eHealth app prototype to promote oral health during prenatal care visits. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2019;9(6):1100
  3. Watfa MK, Majeed H, Salahuddin T. Computer Based E-Healthcare Clinical Systems. International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management 2016;4(1):50
  4. DeMeester RH, Lopez FY, Moore JE, Cook SC, Chin MH. A Model of Organizational Context and Shared Decision Making: Application to LGBT Racial and Ethnic Minority Patients. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2016;31(6):651
  5. Shafii T, Benson SK, Morrison DM. Brief Motivational Interviewing Delivered by Clinician or Computer to Reduce Sexual Risk Behaviors in Adolescents: Acceptability Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(7):e13220
  6. Veinot TC, Senteio CR, Hanauer D, Lowery JC. Comprehensive process model of clinical information interaction in primary care: results of a “best-fit” framework synthesis. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2018;25(6):746
  7. van Mierlo T, Fournier R, Fedorak R. Don’t Forget the Doctor: Gastroenterologists’ Preferences on the Development of mHealth Tools for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2015;3(1):e5
  8. Kosowan L, Katz A, Halas G, LaBine L, Singer A. Using Information Technology to Assess Patient Risk Factors in Primary Care Clinics: Pragmatic Evaluation. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(2):e24382
  9. Kosowan L, Katz A, Halas G, Singer A. Patient perspectives on tablet-based technology to collect risk factor information in primary care. BMC Family Practice 2021;22(1)
  10. Fletcher E, Burns A, Wiering B, Lavu D, Shephard E, Hamilton W, Campbell JL, Abel G. Workload and workflow implications associated with the use of electronic clinical decision support tools used by health professionals in general practice: a scoping review. BMC Primary Care 2023;24(1)
  11. Chadi N, Diamant E, Perez T, Al-Saleh A, Sylvestre M, O'Loughlin J, Winickoff J, Drouin O. A brief digital screening and intervention tool for parental and adolescent tobacco and electronic cigarette use in pediatric medical care in Canada: a protocol for a pilot randomized-controlled trial (Preprint). JMIR Research Protocols 2023;
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According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.1260):

  1. Watfa MK, Majeed H, Salahuddin T. E-Healthcare Systems and Wireless Communications. 2012. chapter 3:49
  2. Taft A, O'Doherty L, Hegarty K, Ramsay J, Davidson L, Feder G, Taft A. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013.
  3. Watfa MK, Majeed H, Salahuddin T. Healthcare Ethics and Training. 2017. chapter 18:410