CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: JMIR Special Issue Web-Assisted Tobacco Interventions
Deadline for abstracts: Aug 30th, 2007
Update 24 Oct 2007: This call is now closed. We received over 30 abstracts, and selected 20 for further consideration for the theme issue. Please do not submit full papers to the section "WATI theme issue" unless you have been invited to do so. However, tobacco-related original papers can be submitted to any regular JMIR issue, at any time.
The Journal of Medical Internet Research is seeking submissions for a special issue on the use of information technologies applied to tobacco use cessation, prevention and professional training under the rubric of Web-Assisted Tobacco Interventions (WATI).
JMIR is specifically seeking contributions, including original papers, editorials, viewpoint articles, and review articles, which highlight or discuss the role of eHealth in addressing smoking cessation with special populations, innovative service delivery models, tobacco-related training and education of health professionals, and efforts to support global tobacco control efforts. Empirical studies and field-tested evaluations are strongly encouraged.
Prospective authors are asked to submit an abstract (300-450 words) outlining the manuscript by August 30th, 2007 by email directly to the editor of the special issue (see contact information below).
Abstracts for original research papers including systematic reviews should be structured using the following sections: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Abstracts for editorials, viewpoints, tutorials, unsystematic reviews etc. can be unstructured. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by an editorial panel with invitations for full manuscripts to be sent to authors in October 2007 with an expected final submission date of November 30th 2007 for full manuscripts. Papers must follow JMIR's Instructions for Authors.
The special issue will be published in early 2008.
JMIR is a leading Open-Access peer-reviewed transdisciplinary journal with an impact factor (2006) of 2.9, making it one of the top journals in the fields of medical informatics (#2 of 20) and health services research (#6 of 56). It is also indexed in Medline and other major databases with global reach.
Abstracts are to be submitted directly via email to the Guest Editor. Questions about the special issue may be directed to any member of the editorial team (below):
Guest Editor
Special Issue, Journal of Medical Internet Research:
Cameron D. Norman, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto & Director of Evaluation, Peter A. Silverman Global eHealth Program
150 College Street, Room 586, Toronto, ON CANADA M5T 3M7
Phone: +1.416.978.1242
cameron.norman [at ]
Associate Editors:
Clinical Director, Addictions Program & Head, Nicotine Dependence Clinic, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
33 Russell Street,
Toronto, ON
Phone: 416 535 8501
Peter_Selby [at]
Scott McIntosh, PhD
Director, Greater Rochester Area Tobacco Cessation Center
University of Rochester
P.O. Box 278969, Rochester, NY 14627-8969
585.273.3876 (voice)
E: scott_mcintosh [at]