** Medicine 2.0'14: Will you be in Hawaii or Spain? ------------------------------------------------------------ 7th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Web 2.0 Pick your beach now: Medicine 2.0 Europe Malaga/Spain Oct 9-10, 2014 + Medicine 2.0 World Congress Maui/Hawaii, USA, Nov 13-14, 2014 Call for Abstracts - EXTENDED Deadline: March 19th, midnight (23:59 EST) http://www.medicine20congress.com Tutorial Speakers are paid - submit your proposal now! ** JOIN US AT THE ------------------------------------------------------------ ** World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine, and Biomedical Research (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014/schedConf/cfp) produced by JMIR Publications Inc., the leading ehealth publisher ------------------------------------------------------------ Register Now for Maui (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014/schedConf/registration) for Malaga (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014b/schedConf/registration) Early Bird Rates expire March 19, 2014 Not sure which one to attend? Just register for the one you are most likely to attend - registrations are transferable Aloha, just a short reminder that there are less than 2 weeks left to submit an abstract to this years' main Medicine 2.0'14 congresses. The conference series is now in its 7th year, and will for the first time in two attractive venues: Medicine 2.0 Maui/Hawaii, USA (Sheraton Maui Resort (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014/content/venue) ) , and Medicine 2.0 Europe Malaga/Spain (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014b/schedConf/cfp) (for venue see http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014b/content/venue ). Once again we expect around 500 mhealth/ehealth researchers and developers at each conference. Medicine 2.0 is a "bottom-up" conference, with no invited "stars" - in order to present, you have to submit an abstract/speaker/panel proposal. To get inspired, browse last years' presentation abstracts (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2013/schedConf/presentations) , or review speaker bios (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2013/social/attendees) of the 2013 congress, or download last years' program (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/public/conferences/med20/schedConfs/med2013/med2schedule2013.pdf) . Once again, there will be a startup competition, and several awards, including the IMIA Medicine 2.0 award, JMIR Medicine 2.0 Award, and iMedicalApps Medicine 2.0 Award. Call for Abstracts for Maui (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014/schedConf/cfp) -- Call for Abstracts for Malaga (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014b/schedConf/cfp) (both calls are largely identical) Previous conferences all sold out, so secure your ticket for Maui/Hawaii (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014/schedConf/registration) and/or for Medicine 2.0 Malaga/Spain (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014b/schedConf/registration) or register for both using the Medicine 2.0 superpass (http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2014/schedConf/registration) * today, and take advantage of the early bird rates. As in the past years' conferences, full papers from accepted abstracts are eligible to be published in various peer-reviewed journals (including the leading ehealth journal JMIR) with a discounted or waived Article Processing Fee - this alone often offsets the registration fees for #med2. We look forward seeing you in Spain and/or on Hawaii. ** Medicine 2.0 Topics ------------------------------------------------------------ * Mobile health apps and ubiquitous health (Google Glass etc) * Blogs and Twitter in Health * Building virtual communities and social networking applications for health professionals * Building virtual communities and social networking applications for patients and consumers * Business models in a Web 2.0 environment * Science 2.0, collaborative biomedical research, academic / scholarly communication, publishing and peer review * Consumer empowerment, patient-physician relationship, and sociotechnical issues * Ethical & legal issues, confidentiality and privacy * Health information on the web: Supply and Demand * Innovative RSS/XML applications and Mashups * Personal health records and Patient portals * Public (e-)health, population health technologies, surveillance * Digital Disease Detection and Biosurveillance using Twitter and other social media/mhealth/Internet sources * The Quantified Self: tracking behavior and health * Search, Collaborative Filtering and Recommender Technologies * Semantic Web ("Web 3.0") applications * The nature and dynamics of social networks in health * Usability and human factors on the web * Virtual (3D) environments, Second Life * Web 2.0/mobile approaches for behaviour change and public health * Web 2.0/mobile approaches for clinical practice, clinical research, quality monitoring * Web2.0/mobile-based medical education and learning * Wikis * Business modelling in eHealth * Communities in health care * Digital Learning * e-Coaching * Health disparities * Human-Computer Interface (HCI) Design * Online decision technology * Participatory health care * Persuasive communication and technology * mobile apps and mHealth Applications * Ubiquitous, pervasive ehealth; domotics; Internet of things * New and emerging Technologies