Medicine 2.0'11 at Stanford University

EXTENDED DEADLINE for MEDICINE 2.0'11 @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: EXTENDED ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: MARCH 15th, 2011 Confirmed Speakers at the (optional) 1st day of Medicine 2.0 (More speakers will be announced shortly) Lee Aase - Director, Center for Social Media, Mayo Clinic Michael Conlon, PhD - Prinicipal Investigator, VIVO Project, University of Florida Parvati Dev, PhD - President and CEO, Innovations in Learning BJ Fogg, PhD - Director, Stanford Persuasive Technology Laboratory, Stanford University David Gaba, MD - Associate Dean for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning, Stanford University Thomas Goetz, MPH - Executive Editor, Wired Magazine Alan Greene, MD - Physician, blogger, participatory medicine advocate, Bertalan Mesko, MD - Managing Director and Founter, Jay Parkinson, MD, MPH - The Future Well and Hello Health David Pescovitz - Co-editor Boing-Boing, Editor-at-Large Make Phillip Pizzo, MD - Dean, Stanford University School of Medicine Howard Rheingold - Social Media Pioneer, Founding Executive Editor Hotwired Denise Silber - CEO Basil Strategies Wendy Sue Swanson, MD - Author of Seattle Mama Doc Blog Amy Tenderich - Blogger, Bryan Vartabedian, MD - Blogger, Medicine 2.0 @ Stanford (More keynote speakers will be announced shortly) Jennifer Aaker, PhD- General Atlantic Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University Dan Zarrella - Social Media Scientist, Hub Spot Susannah Fox - Pew Internet & American Life Project Startup Forum @ Stanford Medicine 2.0 (More panelists will be announced shortly) Submit an application to present a Startup idea/pitch to an outstanding panel of business experts. Katherine Ku, Director, Office of Technology Licensing, Stanford University Andrew Farquarson, Managing Director of InCube Ventures Rebecca Lynn, Partner Venture Capitalist, Morganthaler Ventures Brian Ascher, Partner Venture Capitalist, Venrock Capital Brent Ahrens, Partner Venture Capitalist, Canaan Partners About Medicine 2.0 at Stanford Medicine 2.0 '11 at Stanford University will contain a mix of traditional academic/research, practice and business presentations, keynote presentations, and panel discussions to discuss emerging issues in the fields of social media, web 2.0 and technology as they relate to medicine, health care and biomedical sciences. We strive for an interdisciplinary mix of presenters from different countries and disciplines (e.g. health care, social sciences, computer science, engineering, or business) and with a different angle (research, practice, and business). In addition to our standard oral presentation, poster presentation and panel discussion formats, we will have two exciting new ways to present your work at Medicine 2.0 '11 at Stanford. New Presentation Formats! ---------------------------- There will be five ways to present your work at Medicine 2.0 '11 Stanford. Let's review all the presentations formats available for you: 1. Poster Presentation Poster presentations offer an opportunity to share your work with an international audience interested in Medicine 2.0. If selected, you will present your work in printed form for display on easels. Presentations will take place throughout the Congress with special designated times for poster viewing. First authors should plan to be next to their posters to answer questions during these times. 2. Oral Presentation Oral presentations offer an opportunity to provide a powerpoint slide presentation of your work to a large breakout audience. Presentations are 15 minutes in length, with a five minute question and answer period. Oral presentations are organized into theme sessions, and each session will have a designated moderator. 3. Panel Discussion Panel discussions provide an opportunity to present a wide range of expert opinions about various topics related to Medicine 2.0. Proposals for panel discussions should include experts from a diverse range of Institutions, and should be moderated by a designated first author. Panel discussions are the preferred method for presenting non-research related topics. 4. DEMO Interactive Session New! New to Medicine 2.0 at Stanford are DEMO Interactive sessions, which provide an opportunity to perform a live demonstration of your project to the Medicine 2.0 audience. If selected for a DEMO Interactive session, you will be provided with a large plasma screen display and a video connector to your own laptop. Internet connectivity will be provided through wi-fi. DEMO Interactive sessions will take place throughout the Congress during special designated times. Eligible for Stanford Prize. 5. Pitch for Medicine 2.0 Start-up Forum New! New to Medicine 2.0 at Stanford are Startup Pitches, presented Pecha Kucha style (20 slides, changed every 20 seconds, over six minutes). If selected you will have the opportunity to present your product or idea to a panel of Silicon Valley business experts, including venture capitalists and experts on technology licensing. These sessions are intended for individuals who would like to take their idea or product to the next level, but need help in refining their business plans and obtaining funding for their business ideas. Eligible for Stanford Prize Enhanced Peer Review: ---------------------------- We believe peer-review is vital to maintaining the highest academic standards for the Medicine 2.0 '11 Congress at Stanford. Therefore, this year we are partnering with IMIA (the International Association for Medical Informatics) Social Media Working Group (SMWG) to provide enhanced peer review for all submissions to Medicine 2.0 '11 at Stanford. Here's how the process will work: 1. A new application is submitted to the Congress. 2. Peer-review through Medicine 2.0 Congress reviewers Applications will be distributed by the SPC to at least three external peer reviewers who have signed up as reviewers on the Medicine 2.0 website. Currently, there are over 300 individuals enrolled as peer-reviewers for Medicine 2.0 '11 at Stanford. Anyone may volunteer to serve as peer-reviewer through the Medicine 2.0 website. 3. Secondary Review through IMIA SMWG Panel New! Members from IMIA Social Media Working Group will review all three external reviews and synthesize a single review providing formative and summative feedback to the author along with recommendations for acceptance, revision or declining. *Abstracts submitted after the original 3/1/11 deadline may not undergo IMIA secondary review. 4. Final Review through Stanford SPC The Stanford Scientific Program Committee track director will then review all comments and make a final determination based on review of the application, IMIA scoring and recommendations, and external reviews. 5. All authors will receive an email with a decision and feedback prior to the Early registration deadline for Medicine 2.0 at Stanford. New Publication Options: ---------------------------- Medicine 2.0 '11 at Stanford will have new options for publication of the work you present at the Congress. Authors will now have the opportunity to have their work published in a Pubmed-indexed Medicine 2.0 Conference Proceedings publication or a full paper published in the Pubmed-indexed Journal of Medical Internet Research. Medicine 2.0 Core Topics: ---------------------------- You may submit your panel proposal or scientific single-presenter abstract under one of the following broad topic headings. Medicine 2.0 Core Topics * Blogs * Building virtual communities and social networking applications for health professionals * Building virtual communities and social networking applications for patients and consumers * Business models in a Web 2.0 environment * Collaborative biomedical research, academic / scholarly communication, publishing and peer review * Consumer empowerment, patient-physician relationship, and sociotechnical issues * Ethical & legal issues, confidentiality and privacy * Health information on the web: Supply and Demand * Innovative RSS/XML applications and Mashups * Personal health records and Patient portals * Public (e-)health, population health technologies, surveillance * Search, Collaborative Filtering and Recommender Technologies * Semantic Web ("Web 3.0") applications * The nature and dynamics of social networks in health * Usability and human factors on the web * Virtual (3D) environments, Second Life * Web 2.0 approaches for behaviour change, public health and biosurveillance * Web 2.0 approaches for clinical practice, clinical research, quality monitoring * Web2.0-based medical education and learning * Wikis * Youth and Digital Learning * Other Medicine 2.0 Special Topics * Business modelling in eHealth * Communities in health care * Digital Learning * e-Coaching * Health disparities * Human-Computer Interface (HCI) Design * New ethics * Online decision technology * Participatory health care * Persuasive communication and technology * Science 2.0/Collaborative Science * Web and mHealth Applications Don't miss this opportunity to present at Stanford - submit your short abstract today! Co-sponsored by the Journal of Medical Internet Research, official publication of the Medicine 2.0 Conference at Stanford