New feature on JMIR Website: Article-Level Impact Measures (most viewed/ tweeted/ purchased/ cited)

We are proud to present our new "Top Articles" statistics pages which present article-level impact metrics (how often are articles viewed, tweeted, purchased, and cited), and allow users to rank articles by any of these metrics. RSS feeds are also available, so we invite readers to put these feeds on their blogs, homepages, iGoogle pages, newsreaders etc. If you follow us on Twitter, we will also send automatic tweets whenever the #1 article in any of the 1-month metrics changes.

Most tweeted (last month)

Top JMIR Articles: Most Tweeted (Past month)

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Most viewed (last month)

Top JMIR Articles: Most Viewed (Past month)

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Most purchased (all time)

Top JMIR Articles: Most Purchased (All Time)

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Most viewed (all time)

Top JMIR Articles: Most Viewed (All Time)

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Most cited (by Google Scholar avg. citations per months since publication)

Top 10 cited JMIR Articles by Google Scholar (monthly rate)

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