New Institutional Bulk Payment Program (IBPP-EL) Membership

By signing up for the IBPP-EL membership, an institution (e.g. a research unit, a university library or department) has the same benefits as with the regular EL membership (PDF access), discounted by 50%, plus can receive (quarterly, biannual or annual) consolidated invoices for fees (Article Processing Fees and Submission Fees) associated with their institution. The IBPP member agrees in advance to pay actual Article Processing Fees and Submission Fees of corresponding authors from that institution (an upper limit can be specified). The institution will be listed as member and receive quarterly invoices for all fees for corresponding authors from that institution for the period in question. Only actual fees will be charged (accepted articles, and submission fees). Note that JMIR only accepts about 60 articles per year, so the costs for a JMIR IBPP are typically low. The institution (IBPP members) will be listed on the submission page of JMIR and authors will not be charged. instead, the invoice/receipt goes directly to the institution. If you are a chairperson of a department, head of a research unit, or acquisitions librarian, then please consider IBPP membership at an extremely low annual cost (PDF access is included - compare the price for this to the EL subscription!) and encourage your researchers to publish in a high-impact Open Access journal with no administrative or financial burden on the individual researchers. [Note: We reserve the right to require a refundable $2000 USD deposit unless we have a valid credit card on file]. To sign up, go to