21-Apr-2010/JMIR. Our copyeditors are an important part of JMIR's success. In addition to peer-reviewers' comments and editorial comments, copyeditors often improve the readability of manuscripts. The articles we publish have usually gone through at least 4 hours of professional copyediting services. We now decided to increase this investment by covering up to 7 hours of professional copyediting. The costs for the professional copyeditor is included in our Article Processing Fee. As a result of the expanded copyediting service, and also as a result of the US$ declining in value against major currencies, including the Canadian Dollar, we have to increase the APF (Article Processing Fee) to US$1900. The APF covers the costs for copyeditors, and other professional services, e.g. typesetting/XML-markup etc. These changes take effect immediately (for articles submitted after April 21st, 2010). We should point out that this charge is still lower than the open access charge of our competitors, e.g. JAMIA charges US$2000, BMC Med Inform is US$1945, Elsevier charges $3000 for open access options, and PLoS Med charges $2900.
JMIR's institutional membership prices (which start at $900 per annum and cover the APF charges for 1-2 articles per year) remain unchanged for the moment, but will have to be increased soon,. To lock in the old membership prices, consider to initiate a 3-yr or 5-yr membership today, as prices are sure to increase..