1. JSF - JMIR Submission Fee: Payment of the $90 submission fee (via paypal and/or a Mastercard / VISA card) is now the last step in the submission process. Have a credit card ready, otherwise you will not be able to submit the manuscript.
2. FTF - Fast Track Fee (optional): Payment of the (optional) fast-track fee can be done after submission (after payment of the JSF). To fast-track a paper at a later point after submission, please contact us.
3. APF - Article Processing Fee (non-institutional members only): After your manuscript has been accepted, please login, click on the "author" role, and you will see a payment link underneath your manuscript title. Please pay the APF as soon as possible after acceptance. We will NOT be able to forward the manuscript to our copyeditor before the APF has been paid. Delays in payment WILL lead to delays in publication.