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Published on 22.01.18 in Vol 20, No 1 (2018): January

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Works citing "Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents With Dental Anxiety: Open Trial"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.7803):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Noble F, Marshman Z. The effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the reduction of dental anxiety in children. Evidence-Based Dentistry 2018;19(4):104
  2. Radomski AD, Wozney L, McGrath P, Huguet A, Hartling L, Dyson MP, Bennett KJ, Newton AS. Potential Reduction of Symptoms With the Use of Persuasive Systems Design Features in Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Programs for Children and Adolescents With Anxiety: A Realist Synthesis. JMIR Mental Health 2019;6(10):e13807
  3. Tutus D, Plener PL, Niemitz M. Qualitätskriterien internetbasierter kognitiv-behavioraler Interventionen für Kinder und Jugendliche sowie deren Eltern – Ein systematisches Review. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2020;48(1):57
  4. Pezzini Soares J, Cardoso M, Bolan M. Demystifying behaviour and dental anxiety in schoolchildren during endodontic treatment for primary teeth—controlled clinical trial. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2019;29(3):249
  5. Kupzyk S, Allen KD. Pediatric Prevention. Pediatric Clinics of North America 2020;67(3):513
  6. Gujjar KR, van Wijk A, Kumar R, de Jongh A. Are Technology-Based Interventions Effective in Reducing Dental Anxiety in Children and Adults? A Systematic Review. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2019;19(2):140
  7. Radomski AD, Bagnell A, Curtis S, Hartling L, Newton AS. Examining the Usage, User Experience, and Perceived Impact of an Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Adolescents With Anxiety: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(2):e15795
  8. Mor S, Botella C, Campos D, Tur C, Castilla D, Soler C, Quero S. An Internet-based treatment for Flying Phobia using 360° images: Study protocol for a feasibility pilot study. Internet Interventions 2021;24:100387
  9. Choque Olsson N, Juth P, Högberg Ragnarsson E, Lundgren T, Jansson-Fröjmark M, Parling T. Treatment satisfaction with cognitive-behavioral therapy among children and adolescents with anxiety and depression: A systematic review and meta-synthesis. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy 2021;31(2):147
  10. Kapil D, Elizabeth S. Contemporary Behavior Guidance Techniques to Outsmart Child\'s Anxious Mind. Journal of South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry 2021;4(1):41
  11. Almoddahi D, Machuca Vargas C, Sabbah W. Association of dental caries with use of internet and social media among 12 and 15-year-olds. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2022;80(2):125
  12. Sivrikaya EC, Yilmaz O, Sivrikaya P. Dentist–patient communication on dental anxiety using the social media: A randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2021;62(6):780
  13. del Carmen MDC, Cagigas-Muñiz D, García-Robles R, Oprescu AM. Reducing Dental Anxiety in Children Using a Mobile Health App: Usability and User Experience Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e30443
  14. Nalci G, Alaçam T, Altunkaynak B. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a mobile application in the management of dental anxiety: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2022;49(5):535
  15. Mor S, Grimaldos J, Tur C, Miguel C, Cuijpers P, Botella C, Quero S. Internet- and mobile-based interventions for the treatment of specific phobia: A systematic review and preliminary meta-analysis. Internet Interventions 2021;26:100462
  16. Stein Duker LI, Grager M, Giffin W, Hikita N, Polido JC. The Relationship between Dental Fear and Anxiety, General Anxiety/Fear, Sensory Over-Responsivity, and Oral Health Behaviors and Outcomes: A Conceptual Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(4):2380
  17. Zuo X, Dong Z, Zhang P, Zhang P, Zhu X, Qiao C, Yang Y, Lou P. Cognitive-behavioral therapy on psychological stress and quality of life in subjects with pulmonary tuberculosis: a community-based cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1)
  18. Mor S, Botella C, Campos D, Carlbring P, Tur C, Quero S. An internet-based treatment for flying phobia using 360° images: A feasibility pilot study. Internet Interventions 2022;28:100510
  19. Gürcan AT, Tamtekin EA, Aydın B, Esentürk G, Özen B, Marshman Z. Adaptation and Testing of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Resource of Turkish Version to Reduce Dental Anxiety in Children. The Journal of Pediatric Research 2022;9(3):242
  20. Alcaraz Garcia-Tejedor G, Le M, Tackey T, Watkins J, Caldeira-Kulbakas M, Matava C. Experiences of Parental Presence in the Induction of Anesthesia in a Canadian Tertiary Pediatric Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study. Cureus 2023;
  21. Freeman R, Humphris G. Dental Anxiety, Communication and the Dental Team: Responses to Fearful Patients. Journal of the California Dental Association 2019;47(8):495
  22. Schibbye R, Hedman-Lagerlöf E, Kaldo V, Dahlöf G, Shahnavaz S. Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents With Dental or Injection Phobia: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;
  23. Krasovsky T, Weiss PL, Gafni-Lachter L, Kizony R, Gefen N. Hybrid approaches to allied health services for children and young people: a scoping review. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2024;21(1)

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.7803):

  1. Li X, Wang Q. Depressive Disorders: Mechanisms, Measurement and Management. 2019. Chapter 13:233
  2. Rodd H, Rønneberg A, Fredriksen TV, Johnsen IB, Marshman Z. Oral Health Psychology. 2022. Chapter 9:129