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Published on 08.02.17 in Vol 19, No 2 (2017): February

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Works citing "Navigating Ethics in the Digital Age: Introducing Connected and Open Research Ethics (CORE), a Tool for Researchers and Institutional Review Boards"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.6793):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Pagoto S, Nebeker C. How scientists can take the lead in establishing ethical practices for social media research. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2019;26(4):311
  2. Arigo D, Jake-Schoffman DE, Wolin K, Beckjord E, Hekler EB, Pagoto SL. The history and future of digital health in the field of behavioral medicine. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2019;42(1):67
  3. Pagoto S, Waring ME, Xu R. A Call for a Public Health Agenda for Social Media Research. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(12):e16661
  4. Nebeker C, Bartlett Ellis RJ, Torous J. Development of a decision-making checklist tool to support technology selection in digital health research. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2020;10(4):1004
  5. Baumel A, Edan S, Kane JM. Is there a trial bias impacting user engagement with unguided e-mental health interventions? A systematic comparison of published reports and real-world usage of the same programs. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2019;
  6. Kang H, Han J, Kwon GH. An Ecological Approach to Smart Homes for Health Care Services: Conceptual Framework of a Smart Servicescape Wheel. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(2):e12425
  7. Martinez-Martin N, Insel TR, Dagum P, Greely HT, Cho MK. Data mining for health: staking out the ethical territory of digital phenotyping. npj Digital Medicine 2018;1(1)
  8. . Digitising psychiatry? Sociotechnical expectations, performative nominalism and biomedical virtue in (digital) psychiatric praxis. Sociology of Health & Illness 2019;41(S1):16
  9. Bafeta A, Bobe J, Clucas J, Gonsalves PP, Gruson-Daniel C, Hudson KL, Klein A, Krishnakumar A, McCollister-Slipp A, Lindner AB, Misevic D, Naslund JA, Nebeker C, Nikolaidis A, Pasquetto I, Sanchez G, Schapira M, Scheininger T, Schoeller F, Sólon Heinsfeld A, Taddei F, Markel S. Ten simple rules for open human health research. PLOS Computational Biology 2020;16(9):e1007846
  10. Jake-Schoffman DE, Silfee VJ, Waring ME, Boudreaux ED, Sadasivam RS, Mullen SP, Carey JL, Hayes RB, Ding EY, Bennett GG, Pagoto SL. Methods for Evaluating the Content, Usability, and Efficacy of Commercial Mobile Health Apps. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2017;5(12):e190
  11. Eagan SM, Johnson EK, Eagan LXN. A Paradox of Choice and Opportunity in the Social Mediated Participant Recruitment Space: Opportunities and Caveats. The American Journal of Bioethics 2019;19(6):76
  12. Gabay G, Bokek-Cohen Y. Infringement of the right to surgical informed consent: negligent disclosure and its impact on patient trust in surgeons at public general hospitals – the voice of the patient. BMC Medical Ethics 2019;20(1)
  13. Clark MI, Driller MW. University Student’s Perceptions of Self-Tracking Devices, Data Privacy, and Sharing Digital Data for Research Purposes. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour 2020;3(2):128
  14. Klurfeld DM, Hekler EB, Nebeker C, Patrick K, Khoo CSH. Technology Innovations in Dietary Intake and Physical Activity Assessment: Challenges and Recommendations for Future Directions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2018;55(4):e117
  15. Waring ME, Jake-Schoffman DE, Holovatska MM, Mejia C, Williams JC, Pagoto SL. Social Media and Obesity in Adults: a Review of Recent Research and Future Directions. Current Diabetes Reports 2018;18(6)
  16. Kabacińska K, Sharma N, Kaye J, Mattek N, Kuzeljevic B, Robillard JM. Investigating the concept of participant burden in aging technology research. BMC Geriatrics 2020;20(1)
  17. Samuel G, Derrick GE, van Leeuwen T. The Ethics Ecosystem: Personal Ethics, Network Governance and Regulating Actors Governing the Use of Social Media Research Data. Minerva 2019;57(3):317
  18. Naslund JA, Aschbrenner KA. Digital technology for health promotion: opportunities to address excess mortality in persons living with severe mental disorders. Evidence Based Mental Health 2019;22(1):17
  19. Breslin S, Shareck M, Fuller D. Research ethics for mobile sensing device use by vulnerable populations. Social Science & Medicine 2019;232:50
  20. Thieme A, Belgrave D, Doherty G. Machine Learning in Mental Health. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 2020;27(5):1
  21. Arigo D, Pagoto S, Carter-Harris L, Lillie SE, Nebeker C. Using social media for health research: Methodological and ethical considerations for recruitment and intervention delivery. DIGITAL HEALTH 2018;4:205520761877175
  22. Fuller D, Shareck M, Stanley K. Ethical implications of location and accelerometer measurement in health research studies with mobile sensing devices. Social Science & Medicine 2017;191:84
  23. Shaver LG, Khawer A, Yi Y, Aubrey-Bassler K, Etchegary H, Roebothan B, Asghari S, Wang PP. Using Facebook Advertising to Recruit Representative Samples: Feasibility Assessment of a Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(8):e14021
  24. Hekler E, Tiro JA, Hunter CM, Nebeker C. Precision Health: The Role of the Social and Behavioral Sciences in Advancing the Vision. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2020;54(11):805
  25. Hunter RF, Gough A, O’Kane N, McKeown G, Fitzpatrick A, Walker T, McKinley M, Lee M, Kee F. Ethical Issues in Social Media Research for Public Health. American Journal of Public Health 2018;108(3):343
  26. Conroy DE, Hojjatinia S, Lagoa CM, Yang C, Lanza ST, Smyth JM. Personalized models of physical activity responses to text message micro-interventions: A proof-of-concept application of control systems engineering methods. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2019;41:172
  27. Torous J, Wisniewski H, Liu G, Keshavan M. Mental Health Mobile Phone App Usage, Concerns, and Benefits Among Psychiatric Outpatients: Comparative Survey Study. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(4):e11715
  28. Dobkin BH, Dorsch AK. The Evolution of Personalized Behavioral Intervention Technology. Stroke 2017;48(8):2329
  29. Petrova M, Barclay S. Research approvals iceberg: how a ‘low-key’ study in England needed 89 professionals to approve it and how we can do better. BMC Medical Ethics 2019;20(1)
  30. Torous J, Gershon A, Hays R, Onnela J, Baker JT. Digital Phenotyping for the Busy Psychiatrist: Clinical Implications and Relevance. Psychiatric Annals 2019;49(5):196
  31. Naslund JA, Aschbrenner KA. Risks to Privacy With Use of Social Media: Understanding the Views of Social Media Users With Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services 2019;70(7):561
  32. McCarthy S, O'Raghallaigh P, Woodworth S, Lim YY, Kenny LC, Adam F. Embedding the Pillars of Quality in Health Information Technology Solutions Using “Integrated Patient Journey Mapping” (IPJM): Case Study. JMIR Human Factors 2020;7(3):e17416
  33. Louie AK, Balon R, Beresin EV, Coverdale JH, Brenner AM, Guerrero APS, Roberts LW. Teaching to See Behaviors—Using Machine Learning?. Academic Psychiatry 2017;41(5):625
  34. Nelson BW, Allen NB. Extending the Passive-Sensing Toolbox: Using Smart-Home Technology in Psychological Science. Perspectives on Psychological Science 2018;13(6):718
  35. Nebeker C, Dunseath SE, Linares-Orozco R. A retrospective analysis of NIH-funded digital health research using social media platforms. DIGITAL HEALTH 2020;6:205520761990108
  36. Hays R, Keshavan M, Wisniewski H, Torous J. Deriving symptom networks from digital phenotyping data in serious mental illness. BJPsych Open 2020;6(6)
  37. Pereira NL, Avram R, So DY, Iturriaga E, Byrne J, Lennon RJ, Murthy V, Geller N, Goodman SG, Rihal C, Rosenberg Y, Bailey K, Pletcher MJ, Marcus GM, Farkouh ME, Olgin JE. Rationale and design of the TAILOR-PCI digital study: Transitioning a randomized controlled trial to a digital registry. American Heart Journal 2021;232:84
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  39. Tu J, Gao W. Ethical Considerations of Wearable Technologies in Human Research. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2021;10(17)
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  43. Bartlett Ellis R, Wright J, Miller LS, Jake-Schoffman D, Hekler EB, Goldstein CM, Arigo D, Nebeker C. Lessons Learned: Beta-Testing the Digital Health Checklist for Researchers Prompts a Call to Action by Behavioral Scientists. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(12):e25414
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  45. Henström M, Duncanson K, Collins CE, Ashton LM, Davidson E, Ball R. Online reach and engagement of a child nutrition peer-education program (PICNIC): insights from social media and web analytics. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1)
  46. Shen FX, Silverman BC, Monette P, Kimble S, Rauch SL, Baker JT. An Ethics Checklist for Digital Health Research in Psychiatry: Viewpoint. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(2):e31146
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  48. Lee K, Cheongho Lee T, Yefimova M, Kumar S, Puga F, Azuero A, Kamal A, Bakitas MA, Wright AA, Demiris G, Ritchie CS, Pickering CE, Nicholas Dionne-Odom J. Using Digital phenotyping to understand health-related outcomes: A scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2023;:105061
  49. Zawati MH, Lang M. Does an App a Day Keep the Doctor Away? AI Symptom Checker Applications, Entrenched Bias, and Professional Responsibility. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e50344
  50. . A Simple and Systematic Approach to Qualitative Data Extraction From Social Media for Novice Health Care Researchers: Tutorial. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e54407
  51. Kepper MM, Fowler LA, Kusters IS, Davis JW, Baqer M, Sagui-Henson S, Xiao Y, Tarfa A, Yi JC, Gibson B, Heron KE, Alberts NM, Burgermaster M, Njie-Carr VP, Klesges LM. Expanding a Behavioral View on Digital Health Access: Drivers and Strategies to Promote Equity. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e51355
  52. Morcatty TQ, Su S, Siriwat P, Andersson AA, Atoussi S, Feddema K, Henriques S, Janssen J, Karve A, Pytka J, Thompson RM, Nijman V, Wright J, Roberts DL. Navigating ethical challenges in online wildlife trade research. Conservation Biology 2024;38(5)

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.6793):

  1. . Ethical Dimensions of Commercial and DIY Neurotechnologies. 2020. :63