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Published on 09.03.16 in Vol 18, No 3 (2016): March

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Works citing "Finding the Patient’s Voice Using Big Data: Analysis of Users’ Health-Related Concerns in the ChaCha Question-and-Answer Service (2009–2012)"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.5033):

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  2. Miller WR, Gesselman AN, Garcia JR, Groves D, Buelow JM. Epilepsy-related romantic and sexual relationship problems and concerns: Indications from Internet message boards. Epilepsy & Behavior 2017;74:149
  3. Carpenter JS, Groves D, Chen CX, Otte JL, Miller WR. Menopause and big data: Word Adjacency Graph modeling of menopause-related ChaCha data. Menopause 2017;24(7):783
  4. Zeraatkar K, Ahmadi M. Trends of infodemiology studies: a scoping review. Health Information & Libraries Journal 2018;35(2):91
  5. Miller WR, Groves D, Knopf A, Otte JL, Silverman RD. Word Adjacency Graph Modeling. Western Journal of Nursing Research 2017;39(1):166
  6. Chen CX, Groves D, Miller WR, Carpenter JS. Big Data and Dysmenorrhea: What Questions Do Women and Men Ask About Menstrual Pain?. Journal of Women's Health 2018;27(10):1233
  7. Barros JM, Duggan J, Rebholz-Schuhmann D. The Application of Internet-Based Sources for Public Health Surveillance (Infoveillance): Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(3):e13680
  8. Tangherlini TR, Roychowdhury V, Glenn B, Crespi CM, Bandari R, Wadia A, Falahi M, Ebrahimzadeh E, Bastani R. “Mommy Blogs” and the Vaccination Exemption Narrative: Results From A Machine-Learning Approach for Story Aggregation on Parenting Social Media Sites. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2016;2(2):e166
  9. . Sexual health information-seeking behavior on a social media site: predictors of best answer selection. Online Information Review 2018;42(6):880
  10. Dutta M, Murray L, Miller W, Groves D. Effects of Epilepsy on Language Functions: Scoping Review and Data Mining Findings. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2018;27(1S):350
  11. Pretorius K, Choi E, Kang S, Mackert M. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome on Facebook: Qualitative Descriptive Content Analysis to Guide Prevention Efforts. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e18474
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  16. Ren X, Wang X. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Medical intelligent system application in schizophrenia treatment satisfaction based on neural networks. Soft Computing 2023;27(14):10093
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  1. Hocke-Bolte Z, Peters B, Haunit T. Forschungsmethoden in der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention. 2021. Chapter 27:745