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Published on 14.09.15 in Vol 17, No 9 (2015): September

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Works citing "How Consumers and Physicians View New Medical Technology: Comparative Survey"

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  2. Slater H, Briggs A, Stinson J, Campbell JM. End user and implementer experiences of mHealth technologies for noncommunicable chronic disease management in young adults: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports 2017;15(8):2047
  3. Ali ZC, Shakir S, Aslam TM. Perceptions and use of technology in older people with ophthalmic conditions. F1000Research 2019;8:86
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  6. Ali ZC, Shakir S, Aslam TM. Perceptions and use of technology in older people with ophthalmic conditions. F1000Research 2019;8:86
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  8. Blease C, Kaptchuk TJ, Bernstein MH, Mandl KD, Halamka JD, DesRoches CM. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Primary Care: Exploratory Qualitative Study of UK General Practitioners’ Views. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(3):e12802
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  12. Rodríguez-Pulido F, Rodríguez-Quintero L, Rodríguez-Pulido J, Rodríguez-García . Approach to the use of technologies in health systems: eHealth and mHealth. Revista de la Facultad de Medicina 2019;67(4):457
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