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Published on 19.12.13 in Vol 15, No 12 (2013): December

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Works citing "Use of a Text Message Program to Raise Type 2 Diabetes Risk Awareness and Promote Health Behavior Change (Part I): Assessment of Participant Reach and Adoption"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.2928):

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  1. Chen X, Yu S, Li C, Zhan X, Yan W. Text message–based intervention to improve treatment adherence among rural patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a qualitative study. Public Health 2018;163:46
  2. Le D, Aldoory L, Garza MA, Fryer CS, Sawyer R, Holt CL. A Spiritually-Based Text Messaging Program to Increase Cervical Cancer Awareness Among African American Women: Design and Development of the CervixCheck Pilot Study. JMIR Formative Research 2018;2(1):e5
  3. Partridge SR, Raeside R, Singleton A, Hyun K, Redfern J. Effectiveness of Text Message Interventions for Weight Management in Adolescents: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(5):e15849
  4. Morton K, Sutton S, Hardeman W, Troughton J, Yates T, Griffin S, Davies M, Khunti K, Eborall H. A Text-Messaging and Pedometer Program to Promote Physical Activity in People at High Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: The Development of the PROPELS Follow-On Support Program. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2015;3(4):e105
  5. Coa K, Patrick H. Baseline Motivation Type as a Predictor of Dropout in a Healthy Eating Text Messaging Program. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2016;4(3):e114
  6. Zeman JE, Moon PS, McMahon MJ, Holley AB. Developing a Mobile Health Application to Assist With Clinic Flow, Documentation, Billing, and Research in a Specialty Clinic. Chest 2018;154(2):440
  7. Reis RS, Salvo D, Ogilvie D, Lambert EV, Goenka S, Brownson RC. Scaling up physical activity interventions worldwide: stepping up to larger and smarter approaches to get people moving. The Lancet 2016;388(10051):1337
  8. Pradeepa R, Rajalakshmi R, Mohan V. Use of Telemedicine Technologies in Diabetes Prevention and Control in Resource-Constrained Settings: Lessons Learned from Emerging Economies. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2019;21(S2):S2-9
  9. Nouri SS, Adler-Milstein J, Thao C, Acharya P, Barr-Walker J, Sarkar U, Lyles C. Patient characteristics associated with objective measures of digital health tool use in the United States: A literature review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2020;27(5):834
  10. . Can Older Adults Benefit from Smart Devices, Wearables, and Other Digital Health Options to Enhance Cardiac Rehabilitation?. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 2019;35(4):489
  11. Aguilera A, Berridge C. Qualitative Feedback From a Text Messaging Intervention for Depression: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Cultural Differences. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2014;2(4):e46
  12. Hales S, Turner-McGrievy GM, Wilcox S, Davis RE, Fahim A, Huhns M, Valafar H. Trading pounds for points: Engagement and weight loss in a mobile health intervention. DIGITAL HEALTH 2017;3:205520761770225
  13. Cho J, Lee HE, Quinlan M. Cross-national comparisons of college students' attitudes toward diet/fitness apps on smartphones. Journal of American College Health 2017;65(7):437
  14. Abbaspoor Z, Amani A, Afshari P, Jafarirad S. The effect of education through mobile phone short message service on promoting self-care in pre-diabetic pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2020;26(4):200
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  17. Lim MSC, Wright C, Hellard ME. The Medium and the Message: Fitting Sound Health Promotion Methodology Into 160 Characters. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2014;2(4):e40
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According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.2928):

  1. Collins Rossetti S, Yen P, Dykes PC, Schnock K, Cato K. Cognitive Informatics. 2019. Chapter 8:115