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Published on 08.01.13 in Vol 15, No 1 (2013): January

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Works citing "Patient Attitudes Toward Mobile Phone-Based Health Monitoring: Questionnaire Study Among Kidney Transplant Recipients "

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  5. . Phone-based Intervention under Nurse Guidance after Stroke: Concept for Lowering Blood Pressure after Stroke in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2015;24(1):1
  6. Browning RB, McGillicuddy JW, Treiber FA, Taber DJ. Kidney transplant recipients' attitudes about using mobile health technology for managing and monitoring medication therapy. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2016;56(4):450
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  57. . Adherence to immunosuppressor medication in renal transplanted patients. World Journal of Clinical Urology 2015;4(1):27
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