Published on in Vol 1, No suppl1 (1999): Supplement 1

TME16/459: S.I.TE. Project: Spinal injury and Telemedicine

TME16/459: S.I.TE. Project: Spinal injury and Telemedicine

TME16/459: S.I.TE. Project: Spinal injury and Telemedicine

Authors of this article:

S Boccaccio ;   P Marano ;   R Saracco ;   N Dal Degan


Introduction: A meeting held in Augusta, in November '98, proposed the launch of a Telemedicine application in order to improve spinal trauma rehabilitation protocols. This medical area, as many others, is still populated by diverse ideas and doubts on the possible protocol of intervention: a common protocol tying together surgical, rehabilitation, orthopaedic and neurological medicine can lead to significant results.

Methods: Scope of this project, is to realise a network (virtual-line) using Internet, connecting Italian and German spinal centres interested on this protocol, and to allow for the exchange of data, clinical reports, images, with different levels of interaction:
External users may have restricted access to specific information, although we can see the results of the work in a web site always kept updated

Results: The specification phase is now complete and at present the work is progressing towards the realisation phase.

Discussion: This application is very interesting from different points of view:

J Med Internet Res 1999;1(suppl1):e123



Edited by G Eysenbach; This is a non–peer-reviewed article. published 19.09.99


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