Sorting Exercise

Please go through each item and check whether you, personally, would like to track it over time. Please select the first select circle for "No, I would not want to track this," the second select circle for "Maybe or Unsure," and the third select circle for "Yes, I would want to to track this." During the interview, I will ask you to tell me what you are selecting and why.

The selections you make are not saved or transmitted.

Would you, personally, want to track this? no maybe yes
ability to concentrate
ability to recall jokes and stories
adjustments to the thermostat
alcohol drinking
awareness of time
barometric pressure
bathroom trips
blood sugar (glucose)
blood pressure
clothing choices
coffee/tea drinking
community traffic congestion
conversation turn-taking with family
correspondence with friends/family
emails sent/received
foot steps
grip strength
hormone levels/cycles
how and when you use a computer application
how much you know about your friends and family
how well you recognize people's moods and reactions
idle time
mood self-rating
muscle tone
news watched/read
night vision
number of digital photos taken
people encountered
pet activity levels
pitch perception (hearing)
raised voices
refrigerator open/close
response time
short term memory
skin changes
sports performance
spouse's mood
time at which you go to sleep
time spent cooking
time spent in the car
time spent with friends
tossing and turning
touch perception (touch sensitivity)
trips to the grocery
TV watching
use of microwave
use of space
variation from routine

Tracking with a Goal in Mind

Please select from the list below something that you would like to better understand and possibly change or impact. For example, you might want to understand the highs and lows of your mood and make changes that will result in fewer "down" days.

eating choices
family relationships
mental sharpness
physical activity

Now, keeping what you just selected in mind, what would you want to track to understand that thing? For example, if you chose mood, what would you want to track to understand the highs and lows of your mood? What information could you use to impact your mood? Remember to only check items that you, personally, would want to track.

Would you, personally, want to track this? no maybe yes
ability to concentrate
ability to recall jokes and stories
adjustments to the thermostat
alcohol drinking
awareness of time
barometric pressure
bathroom trips
blood sugar (glucose)
blood pressure
clothing choices
coffee/tea drinking
community traffic congestion
conversation turn-taking with family
correspondence with friends/family
emails sent/received
foot steps
grip strength
hormone levels/cycles
how and when you use a computer application
how much you know about your friends and family
how well you recognize people's moods and reactions
idle time
mood self-rating
muscle tone
news watched/read
night vision
number of digital photos taken
people encountered
pet activity levels
pitch perception (hearing)
raised voices
refrigerator open/close
response time
short term memory
skin changes
sports performance
spouse's mood
time at which you go to sleep
time spent cooking
time spent in the car
time spent with friends
tossing and turning
touch perception (touch sensitivity)
trips to the grocery
TV watching
use of microwave
use of space
variation from routine